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Taken 8-Oct-13
Visitors 588

18 of 844 photos
Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:1952, Avatar, Baba, Baidul, Blue Bus, Eruch, February, Gustadji, India, Meher Baba, Meherazad, New Life, Pendu
Photo Info

Dimensions8560 x 8790
Original file size14.5 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUnknown
Date modified8-Oct-13 14:23
6-26 r

6-26 r

subject: New Life Companions
date: 12th February 1952
location: Meherazad
Baba outside the Blue Bus at Meherazad, 12 February, 1952. With Him from left are Gustadji, Baidul, Pendu and Eruch, the four companions who walked with Baba during the last journey of the New Life.